We begin our story with the humble beginnings of METROBOX CARGO. Founder and proprietor formerly were employed with a freight forwarding company, before starting out his own in the same industry. With hard work and perseverance, he soon realized what the industry was lacking. He wanted to run a business but with a heart.
Catering to the US-based Filipino community, Metrobox Cargo is driven to render heartfelt and personalized service to their clients. Each process is met with sincere and compassionate representatives every step of the way, motivated simply because they understand.
Life abroad and away from home can be difficult. We all have our reasons for moving away, but home will always be home. Even from miles away, the Filipino wants to keep as much of his roots, culture, and traditions as intact as possible. Care packages (balikbayan boxes), parcels, money remittances are sent on a regular basis to family and loved ones in the Philippines.
Businesses (loose cargo, returning residents, container shipment, vehicle shipment, sea cargo) are run on the premise that having the same Filipino backgrounds makes transactions run more smoothly. Using the same language or dialect and having the same cultural practices somehow creates an instant connection, an immediate affiliation that further induces deep trust and loyalty among the parties.
With Metrobox Cargo, you are confident that your shipment will arrive on time and in good condition because they care about how you care for family and loved ones back home.
Christmastime is just around the corner. For everyone all over the world, this is the time of year that is spent with family and loved ones, but for the Filipinos, we take it a notch higher. The festivities and revelry are not limited to one evening. It becomes a month long celebration of love and togetherness.
Unfortunately for some, especially for US-based Filipinos, being together is not always possible. Sometimes it is not so easy for others to be away from their work or their lives abroad. Measures must be taken to make your family and loved ones know that you’re thinking of them and what would be a better alternative than to send a care package just for them?
You can expect our heartfelt and personalized service at Metrobox Cargo in your every transaction with us. We are Filipino, so we understand being Filipino, and we understand how it is to be away from the motherland. Most of all, we understand what is means to be away from the people we love. We want you to feel close to them even across the miles.
It is Metrobox Cargo’s goal to make our each and every client feel like he is receiving the package from the actual sender himself.
So don’t wait until the last minute. Avoid the holiday rush. Get started with filling up your balikbayan box today. The sooner you send them back home, the sooner they’ll feel the love. Christmas always comes early with us.
Metrobox Cargo bridges the gap. We bring you closer to home.