You must have heard the word ”Konmari” before from someone who has either read a book or watched a Netflix series. This term is short for Marie Kondo (or Kondo Marie in Japan, pronounced kon-do ma-ri-eh), also known as the person who started the “Spark Joy” movement. The Konmari method has become known as the concept or lifestyle that revolves around the principles of happiness, or “sparking joy.” It’s about tidying your life by category, keeping what sparks joy, thanking your things before letting them go. Thanks to her #1 New York Times Bestselling Book, “The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up,” she has gained popularity as the most influential tidying expert.
For those of you who haven’t heard about any of this, the idea is decluttering and tidying. Tidying in the sense of clearing clutter, unlike cleaning which is about the removal of dirt, stains and other unwanted particles. People in general tend to collect a lot of stuff overtime, as an inherent trait for survival (yes, all the way from the stone age!). We think that having more things mean better chances of survival or fulfillment of wants and needs. But this isn’t always the case, because based on medical research, people end up being hoarders instead.
The tidying is usually separated into three piles, namely keep, donate and throw away. Afterwards, the tidying proceeds to how to fold clothes the Konmari way, as well as organization and maintenance. But you might be wondering, what do you actually do with the rest?
Items that no longer spark joy need not be put to waste, in fact Marie Kondo herself, shared a guide on what to do with them.
Here’s our takeaway:
It might sound funny, but showing appreciation for the objects that you used to own whether they served an important purpose or not, the fact that they were in your possession is a form of fortune in itself. There’s no need for a dramatic ceremony, just don’t discard them mindlessly into the trash bag.
Who knew you can make money out of the junk you no longer need? There are so many ways by which your old things can be sold. Ecommerce has become popular, thanks to technology, so you can setup your online store and list your discarded things. It can also be a fun garage sale, where you can invite your neighbors over and have them pickup the things for less. If you’re feeling shy, you can just contact any junk shop that will haul your stuff for free, and even pay you for the value they have. For more expensive objects like cars and electronic gadgets, you can either sell them through buyback programs or use them as down payment for buying something else that does “spark joy.”
In the digital age, paperless billing should be the norm and instead of mailing lists, you can sign up for email newsletters instead. Although, if they don’t “spark joy” you should unsubscribe from both print and digital letters. Same goes for newspapers, comics and magazines; opt for their digital copies unless collecting their physical copies bring you added value.
If you don’t already sort you trash, it’s never too late to start. You don’t have to start living a Zero Waste lifestyle (unless you want to, then by all means) in order to avoid producing trash. It can be something as simple as sorting biodegradables, fabric, paper, plastic materials and cans. So all your unwanted books, paper, ragged clothing, sheets and even furniture can be taken to recycling centers or use them for creative projects.
Look at your local schools, libraries, hospitals, shelters or any kinds of charity, and donate your old things to them. Not only do you feel good, but you are being a big help to others.
You can also give aid to disaster-stricken countries, like whenever a strong typhoon hits the Philippines. Your unused toiletries and clothes can be another person’s essentials, or your old gadgets can be of use to the less fortunate. Don’t forget animal shelters who are always overlooked yet continuously seeking donations. You can also consider giving your newer but unused things away to your friends and relatives as a gift or pasalubong. Unused clothes, bags, shoes, plateware, toiletries, toys and unexpired canned food can actually serve as fillers for your balikbayan boxes.
There are so many ways to not put your decluttered items to waste, and if you do decide to give away or padala everything to the Philippines, you should leave it to the hands of a reliable and trustworthy international forwarder. At Metro Box Cargo, we will ensure that your balikbayan boxes will be delivered safely at the hands of our licensed drivers and forwarders.